Our hearts are filled with shock and sorrow by the mass destruction caused by Hurricane Helene and the unimaginable way it has and will affect so many communities.
Below is a list of resources for those located in the directly affected states.
Please consider donating to Persimmon Collective Fund. Your donation will be earmarked and used to directly to support BIPOC farmers and land stewards affected by the storm and its aftermath. In addition to supporting immediate needs, donated funds will be used to support farmers with greater infrastructure needs necessary to rebuild and reopen their farms.
BIPOC farmers and land stewards needing direct support,
please contact us at farmerrelief@persimmoncollective.org
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
Information about FEMA Disaster Aid
Resource Guide separated out by counties in Western NC.
Search and Rescue
Airlifting Supplies
Total Flight Solutions
919-497-5511, ext 1
Food Bank Resources
Medical Emergency & General Public Shelter
AB Tech’s Ferguson Center of Allied Health
10 Genevieve Circle, Asheville, NC 28801
*use Victoria Road entrance
Livestock Assistance
Yvonne Coburn 828-216-4496
Document damage (ensure there is a time and date stamp on all photos/video)
Keep a tally of repairs needed and any subsequent receipts
When safe and appropriate, contact your Cooperative Extension agent.