The Persimmon Collective Fund is a practitioner-led mutual aid resource to support BIPOC Farmers and Land stewards in their on and off farm organizing efforts, uplifting their work, nurturing cultural technology, and reweaving the collective agrarian spirit of past, present, and future generations.
The Persimmon Collective Fund envisions well-resourced, regenerative, and thriving land-based BIPOC ecosystems where the wisdom of those who steward the land is heeded and honored.

working collectively
& cooperatively
land and farming as an organizing strategy
relational organizing
intergenerational learning
honoring heritage
& cultural practices

The Persimmon Collective Fund relies upon a group of Farmer Advisors to help with the “big picture” vision and implementation of the fund, and they also make up the review boards whom make decisions on funding allocations for both the Farmer Organizer and BIPOC farmer grant resource opportunities. Our Farmer Advisors are multigenerational BIPOC farmers and land stewards from the states that we serve.
2023 Advisors
David Anderson, Cherokee Agricultural Company
Kirtrina Baxter, Soil Generation
Keisha Cameron, High Hog Farm
Michael Carter, Jr. , Carter Farms
Delia Dubon, Tierra Fértil
Kifu Faruq, Medicine Bowl
York Glover, Gullah Farmers Cooperative Association
Zel Hutcherson, Down By the River Farm and Art Collective
Bernard Obie, Abanitu Organics
Alsie Parks, SAAFON
Blain Snipstal, Earthbound Builders
Chana White, Native Brand Honey
Technical Support

Director of Farm Initiatives and Communications
nikki@persimmoncollective.orgNikki Pressley is a grower and creator based in the North Carolina Piedmont region. She has been growing food over the past 10 years and stewarding land in North Carolina for the past 4 years. Nikki has nurtured her commitment to supporting and connecting to small farmers, particularly farmers of color, through her own farming project, working in communities of farmers and more recently working with farm-focused non-profits. Nikki runs a small farm located north of Durham near Hurdle Mills, Small Rain Farms. She is also a seasoned graphic designer and has served in various Communications roles for a number of for- and non-profit organizations. Nikki spends her time being a mama , a partner, cooking, hiking and wandering outside.
Director of Operations & Farmer Relations
laketa@persimmoncollective.orgLaketa Smith is an agricultural social worker rooted in southwest Georgia and living in eastern North Carolina. Her work of the last several years has been connecting farmers of color in the southeast region of the US to communities, markets, public & private resources, and to each other - while uplifting southern agrarian culture and ancestral contributions to agriculture. Because farming is so deeply contextual, Laketa’s work seeks to fortify the physio-psycho-social well being of farmers and land stewards, in addition to bolstering their economic success. Prior to working in the agricultural sector, Laketa worked in city government organizing stakeholder groups to advance fair housing, and later in benefits administration with the US’s largest healthcare workers labor-management fund. Laketa spends a big chunk of her time in her backyard vegetable, herb, & perennial flower garden and striving to become one of those people who dance beautifully on quad roller skates.
Director of Farm and Land Initiatives
tahz@persimmoncollective.orgTahz Rufus Walker lives in Durham, NC. He spent the last 20 years managing and supporting land projects across the southeast, working on small diversified organic farms, food co-op's, and community-based urban and rural food projects in North Carolina, Georgia, and Kentucky. Tahz is co-founder of Earthseed Land Collective, a people of color led 48-acre farm/land base in Durham County that hopes to be a model for reimagining land conservation and community resilience through cooperative ownership of land and resources. Tahz also co-manages Tierra Negra Farm with his partner Cristina Rivera Chapman that helps to facilitate a community food sovereignty strategy called Farmshare. Tahz also is the co-founder of the Persimmon Collective Fund, which is a farmer directed mutual aid fund that works with BIPOC farmers across North and South Carolina, Southern VA, and the Central Savannah River Area in Georgia. He also plays banjo, drums, and is the proud papa of two amazing kiddos, Amaru and Kala.
Development Coordinator
leila@persimmoncollective.orgLeila is a queer Muslim immigrant, community organizer and resource mobilizer living on occupied Eno, Saponi, Occaneechi and Tuscarora lands. Their 13+ years of movement work resides at the intersections of racial justice, gender equity, arts-based activism, land justice, philanthropy & grantmaking, leadership development, & healing justice. In recent years, Leila has provided development, grantmaking & fundraising consulting to The Art Angels, Medicine Bowl Giving Circle, PRBB Foundation, Access Reproductive Justice- Southeast, Jane Doe, Inc, and Open Architecture Collaborative. They are a Board Member of Mirror Memoirs, and former Director and Leadership Team Member of Survivor Theatre Project. When they are not working, they enjoy nature walks, crafting, and honoring their ancestors.